NeuroNote 1 - Dementia
I read a blog post on Seniors Flourish called OT’s Role in Helping Grandkids Understand Dementia in order to learn more about how an OT can play a role in helping children understand Dementia. As I was reading through the list of material to delve deeper into for this assignment, this particular blog post stuck out to me. As I have gotten older and learned more about dementia, I have never thought about teaching children about the disease at a young age. I can remember when I was a child and my great grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease, it was scary and I felt very uncomfortable around her; so I just think how much different I would have viewed my grandmother's condition had I known more about it at the time. We all know that occupational therapists play a role in treating clients who are diagnosed with dementia, but what this article opened my eyes to was that occupational therapists also play a major role in educating families on their loved one's condition, which includes the children in those families. Often times, I think we get so caught up in explaining what is going on the the adults in the room, that we forget that the children in the room are just as important. This blog post went into detail on a book written by Kathryn Harris titled Weeds in Nana's Garden. This is a picture book that explains dementia in a way that is easy for individuals of all ages to understand. Based on the website for this book, which I linked here, I would love to get a copy of this book to read myself because I think that this can be a very useful resource as an occupational therapist, as well as a tool to use for the young children in my family.
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