NeuroNote 5 - Multiple Sclerosis
To learn more about what it is like living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), I read a story about Danielle who is a 35 year old woman who was diagnosed with MS around the age of over 10 years ago. I chose to learn more about Danielle's story because I was interested to see the dance she choreographed, as well as hear her experience on continuing to dance with MS. I cannot imagine the resilience and determination that it must take to continue dancing even with the spasticity and seizing of muscles. Watching her dance is heartwarming and puts a smile on your face, click here for the link to her performing her choreographed dance. I think that Danielle's story shows you that just because you are confronted with a tough diagnosis, that does not mean that you cannot continue to engage in the occupations that you love with some modifications or adaptations. Danielle stated that by getting back to dancing a lot of her symptoms have decreased and she even has regained connections in her brain to her extremities. Therefore, I would recommend Danielle's story to others who are learning about MS because her story shows that engaging in meaning occupations helps to manage and decrease their symptoms.
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